Friday, April 27, 2012
Nomic II
For those who are keeping track of these things, we continued to play Nomic today at our homeschooling logic club.
Nomic is a game of self-governance, created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber. Like any other folk game, there are a number of variants, but the version I am most familiar with and taught to the children begins with exactly one rule: that it takes a two-thirds majority to change the rules. We played the game last week, and even though I was introducing it to a group of preteens, the game was very well received.
We continued our previous session, and though we passed fewer rules this time than previously, we still had a good time. The new rules passed are as follows.
21. Firstly, if Billy is not present, then the writer must go first. For purposes of Rule 11, the computer counts as paper and the person operating the computer counts as the writer. Secondly, if a rule is proposed, it must be voted on unless the person proposing the rule decides to withdraw it. Thirdly, the turn changes to the next person once the vote has been cast. (This rule represents an interesting development in how the kids were viewing the game. They realized that, according to Rule 5, Billy should go first -- but Billy was absent that day. Additionally, since I had transcribed the rules to the computer and they weren't using pen and ink, they had to confront an unexpected shortcoming of their rules by redefining their terms. But most significantly, this is a rule that addresses multiple, unrelated problems at the same time. That's a huge leap in complexity.)
22. Rules pass by a simple majority. (They were doing the math and realized three-fifths might not always be easy if we didn't have five players.)
23. Turn passes by the roll of a die, rather than to the next person in the circle. (My idea. I keep trying to give the game more unexpected twists and changes, to keep people on their toes.)
24. You cannot have a turn three times in a row, no matter how the die rolls. (Oldest Daughter's suggestion. She had proposed the turn limit last week, but her effort failed when everyone favored the idea of turns rotating clockwise instead.)
25. Rules 2 5, and 7 do not go into effect until quarter past three. (I inject more chaos. Note that only two rules have been passed since my last turn. This is due in part to the X factor introduced by the roll of the die, but also because it was becoming harder to reach consensus on what rules to make, now that the basic fairness issues had been resolved.)
26. E____'s father does not have to vote on any of her rules. (There were a couple failed efforts to pass rules between Rule 25 and this one. Ironically, I was able to get my daughter's blank-check support for this rule by telling her I would support the next rule she proposed.)
27. David Diez and Mary (Joe's mother) may join the game; also, Rule 25 is no longer in effect. (The kids all thought Rule 26 was funny, but they also agreed with my daughter that it was a sneaky sort of thing to do.)
28. (I called for a vote on this rule before Joe could propose anything. The vote passed 5-1.)
The game was a hit the second week in a row, but at this point, I have no plans to continue it. Next time we meet, we will play a similar game a friend of mine in California has introduced me to, called 1,000 Blank White Cards. It looks interesting.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Book club: 'The Time Machine'
We're about to finish our current selection, which means it's time for a new book. On May 7, we will travel back to the earliest days of science fiction, with H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine."
Along with Jules Verne, Wells is widely regarded as one of the progenitors of the science fiction genre. His "Time Machine," published in 1895, widely is credited with introducing the concept of time travel. It's also been the direct inspiration of at least two movie adaptations, and countless imitators.
As always, the club is open to new members as we start a new book. The club generally meets at 11 a.m. Mondays.
We'll be looking at a few things over the course of the book, not just the literary themes of the book but also the different time periods we'd like to travel to if we had access to a working time machine. Our first discussion is set to begin at 11 a.m. May 7.
Along with Jules Verne, Wells is widely regarded as one of the progenitors of the science fiction genre. His "Time Machine," published in 1895, widely is credited with introducing the concept of time travel. It's also been the direct inspiration of at least two movie adaptations, and countless imitators.
As always, the club is open to new members as we start a new book. The club generally meets at 11 a.m. Mondays.
We'll be looking at a few things over the course of the book, not just the literary themes of the book but also the different time periods we'd like to travel to if we had access to a working time machine. Our first discussion is set to begin at 11 a.m. May 7.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
When you have four children at your house for two hours, and only one hour of planned activities, what do you do? You play Nomic, of course!
Created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber, Nomic is an exercise in self-governance, quite literally. It begins with only one rule, that it takes a two-thirds majority to change the rules. Given that I was introducing it to a group of preteens who for months had been ending their weekly logic class with games like Munchkin and Pandemic, I wasn't sure if this game would fly, but it was very well received.
The game is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to become a major lesson in consensus-building, compromise, and parliamentary procedure -- in short, it's an interesting hands-on lesson in how government works A quick overview of the rules will reveal that the kids for the most part so far have been concerned with being fair and giving everyone a chance to be heard.
Nomic is one of those games you hear about, and tuck away for the appropriate time to play. I had heard about it in 1997 from one of my wife's classmates in college. A friend of mine ran a game on Delphi Forums several years ago, but the nature of the forum made it hard for the game to advance much. When I started homeschooling Oldest Daughter two years ago, I knew I'd have to introduce it to some other kids someday.
Someday was Friday. We played for about an hour, amid a lot of laughter and merriment, without rolling a single die, moving a single token around a board, or playing a single card.
The kids had so much fun that they want to continue the game the next time we meet. I'm wondering how long it will take them to realize that they can introduce more complex rules, and even start making deals with other players to gain support for personally favored rules; or how long it will take them to start arguing over what exactly a rule means, and trying to initiate massive reforms to simplify the rule structure.
I'm also wondering if the game will at some point progress beyond merely passing rules. One adult, after hearing about the game, immediately grasped its potential for a drinking game. (That one, at least, I hope does not occur to the kids for some time to come.)
The rules:
0. A two-thirds majority is required to change the rules.
1. A three-fifths majority is needed to change the rules. (They added this because they wanted me to participate, and thought that a simple majority would be easier than a two-thirds supermajority. Interestingly, they made the rule specify a "three-fifths majority," instead of a "simple majority," which could have implications down the road, should the group increase in size a few people.)
2. Isaac has to write the new rules. (That was my suggestion. The rule immediately passed, 4-1, with Isaac casting the lone dissenting vote.)
3. We have to discuss all rules before they are made.
4. We cannot eat Joe. (The club is about developing logic and critical thinking skills. An hour earlier, I had illustrated false connections with the statements "Pigs exist. Joe exists. Therefore, Joe is a pig." Now as I was asking the kids if they wanted anything for a snack, I mentioned that we had bacon, and let my eyes linger meaningfully over Joe.)
5. We will vote on Billy's rule first. (I had proposed a rule that we take turns suggesting rules. While this was on the table, Oldest Daughter suggested limiting the number of rules anyone could introduce to three in a row. Billy in turn suggested that we vote on my rule before Oldest Daughter's, since mine had been suggested first. Since the rules failed to specify an order for how to entertain multiple motions, it was decided we should vote first on Billy's proposal to vote on my proposed rule. Ironically, this meant that we voted on Billy's rule second, but I didn't want to muddy the waters even further, so I kept that observation to myself.)
6. We vote on the first rule that was proposed (This is where they started introducing a sense of order to how the game would work; up until this point, it had been a free-for-all.)
7. We take turns proposing new rules, going in a circle.
8. The first person to propose a rule is Billy, and we go clockwise.
9. You can change your rule that you are proposing before it is voted on.
10. Every five minutes we switch seats. (This was my idea. I wanted to show the kids that we could make the game about more than just changing rules.)
11. The writer is the person in the chair in front of the paper. (This was Isaac's idea. Poor boy had been writing down rules for about 20 minutes. He was a good sport about it, though.)
12. Whenever a rule is passed, we must clap three times. (One of the kids had started to see the potential the game has for more than just passing rules.)
13. When a rule is suggested, the person on the left calls the end of the discussion -- unless the person on the left is the writer, in which case it is the person on the right. (Here is their first effort to ensure that every proposal gets fair consideration. I plan to demonstrate the flaw in this rule next week, by calling for a vote as soon as the rule is suggested, before anyone has a chance to discuss it.)
14. All rules must be numbered.
15. If your parent has come, you can go. (One of the other parents had come to collect her son and two other boys. I pointed out that there was no provision for people to leave yet.)
16. Amend Rule 15 to say "ride." (This came after I pointed out that under our rules, only Billy could leave, since Joe and Isaac's moms hadn't come for them -- just their ride.)
17. Anyone who breaks the rules must squawk like a chicken. (We realized that no one had been clapping when rules were passed, in clear violation of Rule 12. So here we have our first attempt at enforcement with consequences.)
18. The writer will set the timer.
19. We stop the game when the first person leaves.
20. When you forget to clap, you must take the writer's seat. If multiple people forget to clap, the last one to touch their nose is the one to take the writer's seat. If you forget to clap and you are in the writer's seat, then you cannot switch when the timer goes off.
Created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber, Nomic is an exercise in self-governance, quite literally. It begins with only one rule, that it takes a two-thirds majority to change the rules. Given that I was introducing it to a group of preteens who for months had been ending their weekly logic class with games like Munchkin and Pandemic, I wasn't sure if this game would fly, but it was very well received.
The game is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to become a major lesson in consensus-building, compromise, and parliamentary procedure -- in short, it's an interesting hands-on lesson in how government works A quick overview of the rules will reveal that the kids for the most part so far have been concerned with being fair and giving everyone a chance to be heard.
Nomic is one of those games you hear about, and tuck away for the appropriate time to play. I had heard about it in 1997 from one of my wife's classmates in college. A friend of mine ran a game on Delphi Forums several years ago, but the nature of the forum made it hard for the game to advance much. When I started homeschooling Oldest Daughter two years ago, I knew I'd have to introduce it to some other kids someday.
Someday was Friday. We played for about an hour, amid a lot of laughter and merriment, without rolling a single die, moving a single token around a board, or playing a single card.
The kids had so much fun that they want to continue the game the next time we meet. I'm wondering how long it will take them to realize that they can introduce more complex rules, and even start making deals with other players to gain support for personally favored rules; or how long it will take them to start arguing over what exactly a rule means, and trying to initiate massive reforms to simplify the rule structure.
I'm also wondering if the game will at some point progress beyond merely passing rules. One adult, after hearing about the game, immediately grasped its potential for a drinking game. (That one, at least, I hope does not occur to the kids for some time to come.)
The rules:
0. A two-thirds majority is required to change the rules.
1. A three-fifths majority is needed to change the rules. (They added this because they wanted me to participate, and thought that a simple majority would be easier than a two-thirds supermajority. Interestingly, they made the rule specify a "three-fifths majority," instead of a "simple majority," which could have implications down the road, should the group increase in size a few people.)
2. Isaac has to write the new rules. (That was my suggestion. The rule immediately passed, 4-1, with Isaac casting the lone dissenting vote.)
3. We have to discuss all rules before they are made.
4. We cannot eat Joe. (The club is about developing logic and critical thinking skills. An hour earlier, I had illustrated false connections with the statements "Pigs exist. Joe exists. Therefore, Joe is a pig." Now as I was asking the kids if they wanted anything for a snack, I mentioned that we had bacon, and let my eyes linger meaningfully over Joe.)
5. We will vote on Billy's rule first. (I had proposed a rule that we take turns suggesting rules. While this was on the table, Oldest Daughter suggested limiting the number of rules anyone could introduce to three in a row. Billy in turn suggested that we vote on my rule before Oldest Daughter's, since mine had been suggested first. Since the rules failed to specify an order for how to entertain multiple motions, it was decided we should vote first on Billy's proposal to vote on my proposed rule. Ironically, this meant that we voted on Billy's rule second, but I didn't want to muddy the waters even further, so I kept that observation to myself.)
6. We vote on the first rule that was proposed (This is where they started introducing a sense of order to how the game would work; up until this point, it had been a free-for-all.)
7. We take turns proposing new rules, going in a circle.
8. The first person to propose a rule is Billy, and we go clockwise.
9. You can change your rule that you are proposing before it is voted on.
10. Every five minutes we switch seats. (This was my idea. I wanted to show the kids that we could make the game about more than just changing rules.)
11. The writer is the person in the chair in front of the paper. (This was Isaac's idea. Poor boy had been writing down rules for about 20 minutes. He was a good sport about it, though.)
12. Whenever a rule is passed, we must clap three times. (One of the kids had started to see the potential the game has for more than just passing rules.)
13. When a rule is suggested, the person on the left calls the end of the discussion -- unless the person on the left is the writer, in which case it is the person on the right. (Here is their first effort to ensure that every proposal gets fair consideration. I plan to demonstrate the flaw in this rule next week, by calling for a vote as soon as the rule is suggested, before anyone has a chance to discuss it.)
14. All rules must be numbered.
15. If your parent has come, you can go. (One of the other parents had come to collect her son and two other boys. I pointed out that there was no provision for people to leave yet.)
16. Amend Rule 15 to say "ride." (This came after I pointed out that under our rules, only Billy could leave, since Joe and Isaac's moms hadn't come for them -- just their ride.)
17. Anyone who breaks the rules must squawk like a chicken. (We realized that no one had been clapping when rules were passed, in clear violation of Rule 12. So here we have our first attempt at enforcement with consequences.)
18. The writer will set the timer.
19. We stop the game when the first person leaves.
20. When you forget to clap, you must take the writer's seat. If multiple people forget to clap, the last one to touch their nose is the one to take the writer's seat. If you forget to clap and you are in the writer's seat, then you cannot switch when the timer goes off.
Friday, April 20, 2012
My kid does really well when she's left to herself.
Some kids are extroverts and love being part of a team. They draw their strength from the cheers and accolades of their friends, they feel secure knowing that someone else is there to get their back, and they love being a part of something larger than themselves. Stick them on a team, and they blossom.
Other kids are introverts, and they love being on their own. They're encouraged by affirmation, but what they really crave is the focus that comes from being in the zone. They feel secure when they lose themselves in the process of discovery, of learning; and they live the most deeply when they're striving on their own or with one or two close friends. Leave them to their own devices, and they blossom.
My oldest is an introvert. Team sports are not for her.
This past week, I took her to a trial class at True North Martial Arts in Highland Park. Located at 320 Raritan Ave., right next to 10,000 Villages, the studio is a new effort by Sensei Mercee, of the former Family Kickboxing Academy. The new studio is just getting started, but it is full of promise.
The studio, incidentally, is having its grand opening celebration from noon-4 p.m. April 22, with information about its children and adults programs, as well as about its children's summer camp.
Unlike softball, where Oldest Daughter too often was stuck warming the bench because she compared negatively to other players, martial arts are an activity where the only person you compare to is yourself. In the class, you gauge your progress by how you are improving over your past performance.
The big lessons at True North are respect, hard work, discipline and focus. Students refer to instructors as "sir," and no one is ever spoken down to. I've seen students' attention wander, and they're always gently brought back into the fold. Middle Daughter has taken karate lessons for most of the past year, and she's never had a bad time.
The attitudes taught are good, the workout is excellent, and my daughter, who often resists my efforts to get her to move in the morning, asked if she could go back as a regular.
A recommendation doesn't get any better than that.
Some kids are extroverts and love being part of a team. They draw their strength from the cheers and accolades of their friends, they feel secure knowing that someone else is there to get their back, and they love being a part of something larger than themselves. Stick them on a team, and they blossom.
Other kids are introverts, and they love being on their own. They're encouraged by affirmation, but what they really crave is the focus that comes from being in the zone. They feel secure when they lose themselves in the process of discovery, of learning; and they live the most deeply when they're striving on their own or with one or two close friends. Leave them to their own devices, and they blossom.
My oldest is an introvert. Team sports are not for her.
This past week, I took her to a trial class at True North Martial Arts in Highland Park. Located at 320 Raritan Ave., right next to 10,000 Villages, the studio is a new effort by Sensei Mercee, of the former Family Kickboxing Academy. The new studio is just getting started, but it is full of promise.
The studio, incidentally, is having its grand opening celebration from noon-4 p.m. April 22, with information about its children and adults programs, as well as about its children's summer camp.
Unlike softball, where Oldest Daughter too often was stuck warming the bench because she compared negatively to other players, martial arts are an activity where the only person you compare to is yourself. In the class, you gauge your progress by how you are improving over your past performance.
The big lessons at True North are respect, hard work, discipline and focus. Students refer to instructors as "sir," and no one is ever spoken down to. I've seen students' attention wander, and they're always gently brought back into the fold. Middle Daughter has taken karate lessons for most of the past year, and she's never had a bad time.
The attitudes taught are good, the workout is excellent, and my daughter, who often resists my efforts to get her to move in the morning, asked if she could go back as a regular.
A recommendation doesn't get any better than that.
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